• Face painting Summer Festival in Ward 1

  • 15 years of service in the DC area

  • G.R.E.E.N. Teams partners with businesses to organize, clean, maintain and protect public spaces throughout DC

Brenda Aviles works with young women in Columbia Heights to help them overcome difficult personal situations, which include violence, gangs, unstable family situations, domestic abuse and other significant challenges...read more
Eighth grade was a hard year for someone like me at Paul Public Charter School. That was the year I got caught jumping other girls into the gang in the locker room (meaning that myself and other girls from my crew had instructions..read more

test test Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative (CHSFC) is celebrating over 15 years of service in the DC area.

Our core mission is to educate and empower our youths to better themselves and the community through job training, after school programs and family support.

Please help us continue to serve them by donating. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on individuals and families you've helped in your neighborhood!