PROUrban Youth
Since 2002, CH/SFSC has served as the program manager for PRO (Positive Resources and Opportunities) Urban Youth, known as PUY for short.
PUY is a partnership between CH/SFSC, nearly two dozen community-based youth development programs, the Mayor's Office on Latino Affairs, and the Department of Employment Services (DOES) Summer Youth Employment Program.
PUY provides disconnected Ward 1 youth (ages 14-21) with safe havens and positive relationship-building opportunities during the summer months (June through August). It also supports the development of quality programs, such as literacy enhancement and employment readiness, to provide year-round programs that support young people.
FY 2010 Accomplishments:- Through outreach efforts, CH/SFSC partnered with 14 new organizations, totaling 27 partners at 21 different work sites. These partners were able to benefit from the technical assistance that CH/SFSC offered.
- PUY served 1,054 youth, an increase of 200 more youth than in 2009 -- despite a reduction in city funding. Sites also found creative ways to run their programs with less funding, including partnering on certain activities.
PUY conducted public showcasing of youth talent. For instance:
- City leaders engaged young artists to paint murals and develop fiber hand statues to raise voter awareness
- Students did renovations on a construction project.
- Other students performed dances at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and plays for musician Stevie Wonder.
- PUY strengthened relationships with local businesses and created employer incentives to benefit both local businesses and youth. By subsidizing the salaries of PUY participants, employers were able to offer on-the-job training and have the students go through a trial period. Youth used this time to demonstrate their abilities, and many secured permanent positions after the program ended.